How to use review mode

Article Objective: To assist reviewers in navigating the Active Platform to set a job to review mode to ensure maximum efficiency when performing a review.        

Context: You can review a job much quicker by setting a binder to review mode. This allows the reviewer to accept or reject a workpaper thereby automatically changing the status of the workpaper accordingly. 

Note, only reviewers, managers and partners are able to perform review functions.

Please refer to the Glossary for definitions of key terms used in this article. 

Setting a job to review mode

In the Workpaper binder index, select Start Review. 

Select the status you wish to set the record to once reviewed. We will use 'Approved' for this example. 

Once the status is selected, the binder will be in review mode and you will be able to select the tick or cross next to the record status.    

If you select the tick, the status will automatically update to the status you initially selected, in this case, 'Approved'. 

If you select the cross, the status will automatically update to 'Rework Required'.

Once you are finished reviewing the job, select End Review and send it back to the preparer for rework using the 'Notify Team Members' function (i.e. the share icon next to the status of the binder). 

Note: Once the job is finalised and ready to be completed, see the knowledge article: How to complete and export a binder for information on how to do this.   

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