How to best review a compliance job

Article Objective: To assist reviewers in navigating the Active Platform with how to best review a compliance job. 

Context: You can review a job much quicker using Active Workpapers review features which are available to users with reviewer privileges.               

Note, only reviewers, managers and partners are able to perform review functions.

Please refer to the Glossary for definitions of key terms used in this article.               


Accessing the binder

There are two ways a reviewer can access a binder to review the job:        

1. Via the email sent by the preparer (preferred) 

If the preparer has sent the reviewer an email alerting them that the job is ready to be reviewed, you are able to easily access the binder via the email (for information on how preparers are able to do this, see the knowledge article: How to send a job for review).               

2. Via the Active Platform

If preparer has not sent the reviewer an email, access the binder via the Active Platform and use the filters to enable a quicker search result.     

To do this, navigate to the Active home page and select the Clients tile. 

Once you are in the Clients page, either use the search bar to input the clients name or use the filters, i.e. office, manager, partner, etc., to find the client. 

Once located, select the client. Then select the Wp icon next to the relevant client. 

Click on the relevant binder to review. 

Reviewing the binder

Before you open the binder in Excel, review the QA Centre to confirm the job is ready to be reviewed. For information on how to do this, see the knowledge article: How to use the QA Centre

Once you have reviewed the QA Centre and are satisfied that the job is ready to be reviewed, click Open in Excel to commence the review.


Next, you will need to enable 'Review Mode' to ensure a quick and easy review. For information on how to use review mode and approve or reject records, see the knowledge article: How to use review mode.  

During this review, be sure to read and resolve all applicable internal notes or client queries. You are also able to create review points for preparers to action by inserting an internal note. For information on how to do this, see the knowledge article: How to create and action internal notes and client queries.     

At the end of the review, revisit the QA Centre and ensure there no outstanding records and all unreconciled items and audit issues are actioned accordingly. For information on how to do this, see the knowledge article: How to use the QA Centre. 

Finalising the binder

Once you are satisfied that the job is finalised, you will need to set the binder status to complete and then export the binder as a PDF. See the knowledge article: How to complete and export a binder for information on how to do this.        

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